Wednesday 23 November 2011

We saw sharks - wahoooooo!

Day 5 Diving.

A rough journey over to Brothers.  Slept through some of it but certainly was rolling about.  The evening didn’t start well after finding a huge beetle which I think was a cockroach in our bathroom.  As the engines switched on I decided to go to the loo so I didn’t have to get up during the night.  I have never stopped weeing so fast after I saw the huge beetle scuttling around.  Was quite a picture I am sure falling out of the bathroom with my pj’s around my knees screaming at  Dave to get it.  Dave, the hero, who was as wimpy as me, squashed it with his trainer and threw it overboard.  Was a bit worried about going to sleep as I thought I might have another one crawling over my face.

This was all worth it though after diving on Small Brother.  1st dive before breakfast took us out on the rib dropped off directly over a cleaning station.  A few people saw a reef shark but not me L.  Was a pleasant dive but was a bit sad I didn’t see a shark..  Dave saw one so he ensured he kept telling me!! We did see a huge wrasse though.
2nd dive out on the rib and I did manage to see a reef shark this time so was really excited and my day was made.  Also saw barracuda.  A really lovely dive.
On both dives I made a glamorous entry and exit into the water.  On the second dive I got hit on the head by a tank after rolling in but fortunately it was only a tap and nothing major.  Apparently a couple of women from Blue Melody ended up on the reef but luckily not hurt - not sure what reef damage it may have done though..  We saw dolphins on the surface today which was lovely to see.

3rd and final dive of the day and we entered again in the rib.  This time saw at least 3 sharks.  So exciting.  One of these reef sharks is known as the Fat Lady.  We also saw a small reef shark.  Was fantastic.  This time we made out way back to the boat which I was pretty impressed about.  No having to through ourselves in the rib in elegant style.

Dave has captured a great picture of Ken stroking a wrasse which is pretty amazing..

We were supposed to have our dinner before we left however we had our lines attached to the boat next to us who wanted to leave so we are now out at sea rocking and rolling.  Really not sure how we are going to eat our dinner - tomato soup apparently!!!!

Well that’s it for now as I can’t send it until we have WiFi.  Will hopefully add a couple of pics too.  Has been a long wait this week waiting to see sharks, we were thinking it wasn’t going to happen so we are really happy that we got to see them.  Sadly the Oceanic Whitetip and Silkies have not shown up which is late for them and some cause for concern.  Elka did a presentation on Shark conservation yesterday which was interesting and extremely thought provoking.  Websites to look at are:- and which is Elka’s research.

The Fat Lady

Ken stroking the Wrasse

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