Saturday 19 November 2011

Day 1 of diving

Woke up this morning to a lovely sunrise - will try to attach pic.  If its here you will know I have been successful!!
The day has started off well with Paul alias Geoff telling us how he required ear pieces due to Darren's (alias Brian's) snoring.  Darren tells us about Paul fumbling around him during the night so we really are not sure what Paul used for ear pieces, I think parts of anatomy were used though!!!!!
We are happy to say Armine is on the boat after arriving late last night.  He is the saloon manager who we adore and has been on the boat each time we have been on.  We would have missed him if he hadn't been here.
Now drying off after 1st dive which was a check dive.  Its good to back in the blue sea.  24 degrees in the sea - some people are saying they are cold! It was busy down there though, a few dive boats already there and quite a few people around. Right gonna leave it here and add some later.
Had second dive which was lovely.  Hopefully managed to get some equipment issues sorted i.e. - stopping my tank from slipping.  Will see how it goes tomorrow.  The sharks hopefully start tomorrow.  Just had a presentation from Elka going through identification of sharks,  has made me more excited but also nervous.  Hopefully after seeing the first one we will settle down a bit - I hope.  Scary scary!!!
I haven't  done any  editing of these yet so they are as taken.  Just wanted to get some on here.  Until tomorrow :-)

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