Monday 21 November 2011

2nd day diving

Sunday 2nd Day diving.

Weather has been too rough to take us anywhere where we are likely to see sharks.  We had a trip overnight trip which was really rough.  I was awake for most of it rolling around in the bed whilst Dave was snoring - I was not impressed to say the least.  Having said that on speaking to the captain this morning he tried to take the calmest route.  He was sitting on the open air top deck so that he could see the waves to try to avoid them. Must have been really cold up there too.  I don’t even want to think about what it would have been like.

We dived two reefs today .  One wall/plateau with a drop off of about 120 meters I think the captain said it was.  Can’t afford to make any mistakes here.  Had two dives here and saw a turtle on one of the dives J.  The second was some pinnacles which was a nice simple dive however when we got back to the boat I got a bit confused as it looked a bit small from underneath.  We saw a moray eel and a large puffer fish here.

We are sailing overnight to Brothers, weather permitting, which is one of the places where we will hopefully see sharks.  Elka one of the dive guides gave us another talk tonight on Interacting with sharks.  Interesting, reassuring but all scary at the same time.  Really need ways to keep my heart rate down as fast heart rate can attract them.  Hmmmm there may be sharks about and my heart rate needs to keep normal?????!!!!

Oh well off to bed now.  Another 6am start tomorrow.

Unfortunately we had no signal last night so a bit late!  We didn't manage to move to Brothers due to the weather conditions so unlikely to see any big stuff today.  We have however been on our first dive of the day and already seen a swimming turtle.  I shall try to download video of it tonight!!!
Ken is having a problem with his strobe which isn't flashing when he wants it to, I have to say I wish it would go off as it would distract us from all the budgie smugglers that keep appearing on this boat!! For those of you who think diving is a glamorous sport, think again lol.  If you want to get to know the real person then its the place to be.  No airs and graces, no make up......lovely.
This is the first time we have had WiFi on the boat however its quite funny how many people moan when it isn't working or going too included I have to add.
Lets hope this wind dies down so we can move out to the bigger stuff tonight.


  1. What? The boat has Wifi??

    *thumps forehead on table*

    Aha, I shall quote you, "If you want to know the real person then its the place to be. No airs and graces..."

    I can only assume Dave is fetching sun cream, drinks, snack all whilst kowtowing! ;)

  2. Actually Steve I have been running around after Dave and the quote from Ken today was "is Dave nagging you again under water?!!!!"
