Tuesday 22 November 2011

Days 3 and 4 of diving.

We had no WiFi as such yesterday so was unable to leave a blog.  Unfortunately the weather has been so bad we have not made it over to Brothers and as such have not seen any big stuff.  Sadly we have heard that someone died on that particular reef yesterday due to such poor weather conditions! Very sad to hear.

Although we have not seen any of the sharks we came out to see we have had some lovely diving. As mentioned earlier we saw a turtle swimming which was lovely.  I did try to upload the video however it was restricted.  I was courageous enough to go on a night dive last night which I am glad I did as it was lovely and we even managed to get ourself back to the boat.  We turned the torches off for a short while and was amazed at what we could actually see.  Has taken some of my fear out of night diving and hopefully I may try it again..

Elka has continued to give us presentations on sharks and last night was surrounding her research.  Although interesting Dave fell asleep which was fine however at the end he started to clap as if he has been awake all the way through - this did not go unnoticed so Dave has had to take the shame!!

Dave has been talking to the big white telephone today so I am not sure how he will be.

As we have not been able to dive where we expected we were able to to do a wreck.  We dived the Salem Express which was a roll on roll off ferry which sunk in 1991.  I think this is probably one of the best wreck dives I have ever done.  I had a very eery feeling about it though as it is so modern. It was easy to imagine how the ferry was having been on these type of ferries.  It is believes some bodies may still remain on the ferry and as such is treated as a grave.  Quite poignant diving something like this.

The second dive was on another reef which has was lovely.  We shall be moving on shortly for the 3rd dive and night dive.
There has been some issues today which have fortunately been resolved, my fin strap broke just as I was about to get into the rib, couldn't find the spare however Laura, one of the girls who was diving lent me hers - thank you Laura as I would have been sad to have missed that dive.  The ride out was a bit rough and the way back, although fun, seemed rougher.  The rib filling up with water was a tad worrying though.  Having got back on the boat, I found out my tank had broken so that needed swapping.  Oh yes when I got to the wreck, I was lucky to be able to take photos as I had not charged my battery and it was showing very low!!!
The funniest part of the morning though is Dave catching his budgie smugglers on the hook so he could not kit up.  Of course I made sure everyone was aware before I unhooked him :-).  I have also replaced my fin strap now.  Again fortunate as Dave told me not to bring a spare as the type we have NEVER break!!!!!!

There were some interesting entries into the rib.  I have to say Ken's was probably the least elegant with Sue a close second.  Fortunately Dave and I were back on the rib first so no-one was able to witness that :-).

Well lets see what the rest of the day brings!!

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