Tuesday 22 November 2011

Still some hope for sharks :-)

We have been told we may still be in with a chance of seeing sharks.  We are now getting ready to set of to Brothers! Can be a bit of a choppy ride.  It's going to take about 6 hours to get over there so will be travelling overnight.  It is only 8.30 but we have already come to bed as we don't want to be trying to get sorted when the boat is rocking and rolling! There are going to be a few banging doors tonight I reckon.

Attached are some pics from the wreck today.

The ships funnel.

Two of the life boats which sadly could not be used as the boat listed too quickly for the boats to be released.

The boats positioned under the funnel, they look very close however there is about 10 metres from the funnel to the boats on the sea bed.

The bow door, again hard to visual the size of this but try to imagine vehicles would use this!

Pipe fish.

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